середа, 28 березня 2018 р.

                                      Party                   Christmas in Ukraine
Subject of the Party: Christmas in Ukraine.
-         to get pupils acquainted with Christmas traditions;
-         to develop pupils’ speaking skills;
-         to enrich pupils’ knowledge on Christmas traditions;
-         to teach pupils to respect their native customs and traditions.
 Equipment: Christmas tree; Christmas table with twelve dishes on it; Christmas clothes; tape-recorder.
The party begins with the angels’ song:

Бог ся рождає
Бог ся рождає, Хто ж Го може знати!
Ісус Му ім’я, Марія Му Мати!
         Тут ангели чудяться,
         Рож денного бояться,
         А віл стоїть, трясеться,
         Осел смутно пасеться.
         Пастиріє клячуть,
         В плоти Бога бачуть,
         Тут же, тут же,
         Тут же, тут же, тут!
Марія Му Мати прекрасно співає,
І хор Ангельських Їй допомагає!
Йосиф старенький колише Дитятко:
- Люляй же, люляй, мале Отрочатко!
        Три славні царі к вертепу приходять,
         Ладан і смирну, золото приносять.
        А пастиріє к Ньому прибігають
         І яко Царя своєго вітають.
         І ми днесь вірно к Ньому прибігаймо,
         Рожденну Богу хвалу, честь віддаймо.

( Два ангели відходять в бік розмовляючи.)
А1: Чи чуєте ви, як на небесах ангельські хори прославляють Бога?
А2: Їхня пісня лунає вічно, але сьогодні вона звучить особливо урочисто та велично.
А1: Адже сьогоднішній день – благословенний, бо він знаменує народження Сина Божого – Ісуса Христа!
А2: Увесь християнський світ також сьогодні святкує Різдво Христа, який прийшов у світ грішників, щоб урятувати їх і подарувати їм Царство Боже!
А1: От було б добре побачити, як святкують цей славетний день люди. Давай заглянемо в чиюсь домівку.
А2: Пропоную заглянути ось сюди (показує пальцем на глобусі).
А1: Це – Україна. Цікаво…
А2: Поглянь! Я бачу маленьких діток. Вони граються навколо зеленого деревця.
( Під мелодію різдвяної пісеньки діти вбирають ялинку.)
Роман: Марічко, подай мені ось цю велику іграшку, будь-ласка.
Марічка: Ось, тримай. А що ми почепимо на вершечок, Романе?
Роман: На вершечок? Мабуть, ось цього красивого ангела, щоб він приніс нам веселу звістку про народження Ісусика-немовляти.
Марічка: Ой, як гарно! Наша ялинка – просто чудо.
Mother (enter the room at that moment): Have you finished all the decorations? Oh, yes, I see. The Christmas tree is charming. Now, I think it’s high time that we should lay the table for Holy Supper. We must sit at the table when the fist star appears in the sky. Would you help me?
Children: Yes, sure! With pleasure.
(Mother lays the table with a table cloth and Mary puts garlic at the corners of the table.)
Mary: It’s garlic, for frightening away all evil forces.
Roman: Oh, Mummy, you’ve prepared so many dishes. Who is going to eat them all?
Mother: Roman, today is not a common supper but a Holy Supper. We must have 12 meatless dishes which symbolize 12 apostles of Jesus Christ. Let’s count whether we’ve got 12. (Mary names all the dishes on the table and counts them.)
Mary: Wheat, borshch, fish, dumplings, stuffed cabbage rolls, mushrooms, herring, cabbage, beans, Kolach, stewed fruit, pampushky.
Roman: Right 12. And they look so tasty! I feel really hungry now.
Mother: Just wait a little bit, Sonny. We haven’t lit a candle yet. It must be in the window to welcome a needy one to dine with us.
Roman: I’ll do it, Mummy.
Mother: All right.
Mary: Oh, Mum! We’ve forgotten to put some hay under the table.
Roman: But where’s Daddy, Mum?
Father: Іду-іду. Христос рождається! Christ is born!
Mother and children: Sing Praise to Him! God Eternal is born today. He came down from above to redeem us with his love, and brought joy to all. May Baby Christ bless our family to be healthy. To live in peace and happiness the whole next year!
Father: Now let us kneel and pray and ask the Lord to Bless this day.
All together (kneel and pray):
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Father, who are in Heaven,
Hallowed be Thy name,
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done on Earth
As it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power, and the Glory forever. Amen.
(The parents, their children sit at table and start Holy Supper. The children want to eat    pampushky but Mother stops them).
Mother: Oh, no! What are you doing, kids? You shouldn’t start with pampushky. We     must taste Kutya first.
Roman: It is tasty.
Mother: So, help yourselves.
Mary, Roman, Father: Thank you.
Mother: But remember, you must taste all dishes, one by one. (Звучать голоси колядників.)
Father: Sh! Can you hear the carolers? Listen! Their voices are so sweet.
(The carolers enter the room and together with the family they sing some Ukrainian carols.)
                   З Різдвом Христовим
                   Усіх вас вітаєм,
                   Щастя й здоров’я
                   Усім вам бажаєм.
                   Нехай віра в серці
                   Кожного засяє,
                   Матір Божа
                   Усіх привітає!

                   Во Вифлеємі нині новина.  
Во Вифлеємі нині новина:
Пречиста Діва зродила Сина,
В яслах сповитий, поміж би дляти,
Спочив на сіні Бог не обнятий.
         Вже Херувими славу співають,
         Ангельські хори Пана вітають,
         Пастер убогий несе, що може,
Щоб обдарити Дитятко Боже.
А ясна зоря світу голосить:
“Месія радість, щастя приносить!
До Вифлеєма спішіть всі нині,
Бога вітайте в бідній Дитині!”
         Глянь оком щирим, о Божий Сину,
         На нашу землю, на Україну,
         Зішли їй з неба дар превеликий,
         Щоб Тя славила во вічні віки.
Усі разом: Христос ся рождає!
Mother: Oh, it was so nice. Thank you, children, for coming to us this Holy Evening.
Roman: Father, tell us the story of Christ's birth, will you?
Father: It is a long story, children. Are you ready to listen to it?
Children: Certainly, we are. 
(The children make themselves comfortable round the father and listen to his story.)
Father: Long ago when Cyrenius was governor of Syria, a decree from Caesar Augustus was read before the people in all the cities and towns of Judea.
(Crier enters authoritatively with scroll under his arm and reads from the scroll.)
Crier: Citizens of Nazareth! Caesar Augustus has ordered that all of you must be counted and taxed. Each of you must come to the city of your fathers immediately to fulfill this decree.
Father: All went to be taxed, and Joseph the carpenter also, together with his wife  Mary,   into the town of Bethlehem, because Joseph was of the house and lineage of David.
(Joseph and Mary enter slowly from left, They come up to an inn, Joseph knocks at the door. Innkeeper opens the door.)
Innkeeper (rudely): What is it?
Joseph: We need a room for the night, sir. My wife and I are very tired.
Innkeeper: Go away! I have no room for you today in my small inn.
(Innkeeper slams the door of the inn. Joseph and Mary turn slowly away and then stop to have some rest.)
Joseph: Oh, Mary! What can we do? Where can we find the place to stay? I see you are very tired. How are you?
Mary: I am all right, Joseph. Don’t worry so much. Remember what the angel said? God won’t leave us a single moment.
Joseph: Yes, Mary. I believe in God. But let me see where we can stay this night. (Joseph looks around and finds a small stable with some cattle inside.) Oh, Mary, I think I’ve found the place for this night. Here’s a small stable and it’s warm enough. So, we can make ourselves comfortable here.
Mary: Thanks to God. I feel really tired now.
(Joseph helps Mary to stand up and leads her to the stable.)
                                      Silent night
1. Silent night, Holy night,
    All is calm, all is bright,
    Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child,
    Holy infant so tender and mild,
    Sleep in heavenly peace,
    Sleep in heavenly peace.                                                 
2.      Silent night, Holy night,
Shepherds quake at the sight,
Glories stream from heaven afar,
Heav'nly hosts sing Alleluia,
Christ, the Savior, is born,
Christ, the Savior, is born.
3.      Silent night, Holy night,
Son of God, love's pure light,
 Radiant beams from Thy holy face,
With the damn of redeeming grace,
Jesus, Lord at Thy birth,
Jesus, Lord at Thy birth.
Father: So it was that while they were there, the days were completed for Mary to be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger.
Father: There were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night.
Shepherd1: It's a beautiful clear night for December. (Shepherds gaze around the sky.)
Shepherd2: Yes, it is. And I think, the sky is growing brighter. Look!
(Second shepherd points to the Angel of the Lord. Shepherds fail down in fear.)
Angel of the Lord: Don't be afraid, I am the Angel of the Lord. Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy! This night in Bethlehem a Saviour has been born to you, and you will be the first to visit him. You will find him wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. This bright star will show you the way to the stable.
(The Angels sing.) 
Спи, Ісусе, спи
Спи, Ісусе, спи, спатоньки ходи.                    
         Я Тебе му колисати,
Пісеньками присипляти:               
Люлі, серденько, люлі!

Спи, Ісусе, спи, головку склони.
         Ту на рученьки Марії,
Бач, Вона Тебе леліє:                       
Люлі, серденько, люлі!

Спи, Убогий, спи, рученьки зложи.
         Йосифа ще не видати,
Несе хлібця Тобі дати:                  
Люлі, серденько, люлі!

Спи, Терпінє, спи, очка зажмури.
Не питай, що колись буде,
Що зготовлять Ти хрест оюди:              
Люлі, серденько, люлі!

Спи, Ісусе, спи, а Серце втвори,
         Най при Ньому спочиваю
Тут на землі і там в раю:              
Люлі, серденько, люлі!
Shepherd3: Let us go to Bethlehem and see this wondrous child!
Father: The shepherds hastened to Bethlehem, and found the baby in a manger just as the angel had told them. Because they were simple and pure of heart, they were the first of men to see the golden light surrounding the mother and baby.
(Shepherds bow before crib, then kneel at state.)
Shepherd2: Christ our saviour is born tonight!
Shepherd3: Glory to the newborn child!
Shepherd1: Let’s go and tell everyone that Christ our Saviour is here!
                   На небі зірка ясна засяла
                   На небі зірка ясна засяла
                   І любим світлом сіяє;
                   Хвиля спасення нам завитала,
Бог в Вифлеємі рождаєсь.
Щоб землю з небом в одно злучити,
Христос родився: Славіте! (2)                           
                В біднім вертепі, в яслах на сіні
                Спочив Владика, Цар світа,
                Отож до Него спішім всі нині –
                Нашого жде Він привіта.
                Спішім любови, тхом Го огріти,
                Христос родився: Славіте! (2)                      
                Благослови нас, Дитятко Боже,
                Дари нас нині любов’ю,
                Най ціла сила пекла не зможе
                Нас розділити з Тобою.
                Благослови нас, ми Твої діти,  
                Христос родився: Славіте! (2)                      

Father: So, the shepherds returned home, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told them. But the shepherds were not the only people-abroad on that special night, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying...
(The kings appear on the stage.)
King1: Where is he who has been born King of the Jews?
King2: We have seen his star in the East and have come to worship him.
(King Herod is sitting on his throne in his palace. When he heard these things he was troubled.)
King Herod: I know nothing about it. (To his soldiers): Go and bring all the chief priests here. They must know everything. (In some minutes the soldiers return together with the priests.)
King Herod: Do you know where the Christ was to be born?
The Chief Priest: In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written by the prophet. (Reading from the book):
"But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,
Are not the least among the rulers of Judah;
For out of you will come a Ruler
Who will shepherd my people Israel”.
King Herod (to three kinds): Go and search diligently for the young child, and when you have found him, bring back word to me, that I may come and worship him too.
Father: When three wise men heard the King, they departed; and the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it
came and stood over where the young child was.
                                   Тріє царі, де ідете
                   Тріє царі, де ідете
                   Глядати Дитятка,
                   Царя Спаса Всего світа,
                   Божого Ягнятка?
                            Оно в шопі ні пру стола,
                            Ні скиптра не має,
                             А вже в світі Його слава      
                            Вам Його звіщає.                        
                Хоть убого народився,
                Нікому не знаним,
                А вже з неба вість несеся,
                Що він буде славним.
                         Тая зоря пречудесна
                          Різдво нам голосить
                          І з поклоном нас до Него                     
                               Із востока просить.                         
                 Поспішіть же, тріє царі,
                 В вертеп за звіздою;
                 Там знайдете Бога Сина,
                 Що став всіх слугою!
                          Поспішіть же до Дитятка
                          Та дайте Му дари,
                          А від нас поклін низенький                       
                               Зложіть Му, звіздарі!                          

King3: Look! The star has stopped. It must be somewhere here.
King2: But where? I see no palace here.
King1: Look, there’s some light over that small poor stable. I have a feeling that we’ll find the newborn King of the Jews right there.
Kings: Let's go and worship him, and present him with our gifts.
(The Kings come up to the stable and bend low when they see Virgin Mary, Joseph and baby Christ in the manger.)
King1: Born a king on Bethlehem plain,
             Gold I bring, to crown You again.
              King forever, ceasing never,
    Over us all to reign.
King2: Frankincense to offer have I;
          Incense owns a Deity nigh:
  Prayer and praising, all in en raising,
    Worship You, god most high.
King3: Myrrh is mine; its bitter perfume
     Breathes a life of gathering gloom,
  Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying.
  Scaled in the stone-cold tomb.
Three Kings (together):
             Glorious now, behold him arise,
          King, and God, and sacrifice!        
          Heaven sings "Alleluya!",
          "Alleluya!" the earth replies!
Father: Three Kings of Orient had to return home but they were very tired and decided to sleep for a while. In a dream they saw the angel who told them that they shouldn't return to Herod, who wanted to kill Baby-Christ. So they departed for their own country another way.
Children (Roman and Mary): And what happened with little  Jesus, Daddy?
Father: Well, when the Kings had departed, an Angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream.
Angel of lie Lord: Arise, take the young child and his mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word, for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. (Joseph takes Mary
with Jesus and they leave the stable.)
Children: What happened next?
Father: It's the other story, children. I’II tell you about it next time.
Mother: Now, kids, it's high time for you to go to bed. You must get up early tomorrow morning and get ready for the Christmas Mass.
Roman: All right, Mummy. Good night! (Kisses his Mum and Dad.)
Mary: Good night!
(Children go to bed and fall asleep. Two angels from the cloud took down at them and smile)
      Ангели: Мир тобі, українська хатино!
                       Хай святиться в ній Боже ім’я!
                       Хай лунає між вами щоднини
                       Щире слово і правда свята.
                       Хай думки і серця вам єднає
 Всеблага християнська любов.
 Годі смутку – вам радість звіщаєм,
 Що Месія на землю прийшов,
 Що в вертепі на яслах у сіні
 Народилося нині дитя.
 Веселіться ж, сини України,
 Привітайте Малятко – Христа!
 Христос Рождається!
(Усі учасники виходять на сцену і разом колядують.)

        Бог предвічний народився
Бог предвічний народився,
Прийшов десь із небес,
Щоб спасти люд свій весь,
І утішився.
В Вифлеємі народився:
Месія, Христос наш
І Пан наш для всіх наш
Нам народився.
“Слава Богу!” заспіваймо,
Честь Сину Божому
І пану нашому
Поклін віддаймо.                                                                                     
The end